
How will your organization work with us?

Relevant Shift facilitates the development and rapid execution of organizational change and increased revenue through operational excellence, leadership development, personal energy and cultural alignment.

The underlying basis of our approach is the integration of the elements necessary to fully realize our client's potential—For excellence in customer service, efficient and effective processes and structure and to generate the financial results they want—And to grow and maintain professional satisfaction within the organization, with their customers and their value chain.

We work closely and confidentially with our clients to realize the full value of their strategy, brand, people, acquisitions, next steps and the critical changes they and their leaders go through as they grow. We facilitate projects of all sizes and are experienced in Accelerated Change Processes, Six Sigma, M&A and due diligence, cultural alignment, executive coaching, and sales effectiveness.

This is how how we work in partnership with our clients:

Strategy Development: We are focused on helping clients achieve and execute the differentiation that will propel them to the next stage. Knowing your organization’s purpose is the key. In the next stage we work at a high level to identify the capabilities and potential of your organization that will achieve that purpose and vision, and the structures, people and processes needed to make it all happen. 

Leadership Development and Coaching Leadership Development expands the capacity of individuals to perform well in leadership roles within organizations. Those that facilitate execution of a company’s strategy through building alignment, winning mindshare and growing the capabilities of others. RELEVANT SHIFT works with high-potential leadership teams to get them ready and able to achieve needed breakthroughs.

Leadership Coaching: We focus on the individual leader and the inner work needed to accomplish their goals. Coaching builds a deeper understanding of themselves, the sources of their drive, and their unique strengths. It also includes identifying and overcoming what may be getting in the way of them leading from a place of authenticity and clarity. 

Market Research: The primary goal of marketing research is to significantly lower the risk and increase the reward for confident business decision-making – dramatically reducing the opportunity cost of making a wrong, ill-informed decision. This is accomplished by providing objective data from a representative sample of customers and/or target non-customers.

Marketing research supports decision-making across the organization – from informing strategy development and M&A due diligence, and identifying and evaluating competitive strengths and vulnerabilities…to evaluating brand equity and perception, marketing and channel performance, new product/service opportunities, advertising effectiveness, and customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Brand Development and Awareness: The Brand Roadmap is a document developed through a strategic process that identifies an organization’s unique values, message and personality. Once completed, it serves as a template for everyone else in your organization to follow to ensure brand consistency. 

In essence, the Brand Roadmap will give everyone in your organization a clear vision of who your organization is and what it stands for. When an organization identifies and defines its unique brand identity, it delivers its message clearly, confirms its credibility, and motivates the desired connection and response—both internally and externally.The better an organization knows itself and what it stands for, the better it connects with everyone who comes in contact with it. 

Communication: Branding is a set of ideas that influence not only communication, but everything an organization does—its central organizing principle. It has the ability to transform both management (the insider view) and lifestyle (the outsider view). By breaking down internal barriers, teams are better able to communicate within the organization and go to market faster. The brand is then shaped by what it says and does and is recognized through a distinctive, unique style and made real. 

Restructuring for Change: Developing an organizational structure involves defining the framework around which your business will operate, make effective decisions and achieve strategic goals. We work with leadership and teams to develop clear reporting and lines of communication and interplay of resources while avoiding the danger of silos. 

Organization Development: OD is the systematic process of implementing effective organizational change. Relevant Shift focuses on defining and implementing the business process, supporting culture and leadership awareness that brings all elements into alignment with the strategic plan. We develop the detailed process map needed to respond to changing external and internal conditions and achieve the smooth flow of product, decisions, information, communication, culture and resources. To effectively accomplish that, we utilize core practices ranging from organizational psychology to Six Sigma.

Culture Change and Alignment: In order for innovation and organizational change to take place and succeed in the long run, the culture on all levels needs to align with those goals and changes. We work to identify the current state, define the needed cultural elements and bring about that alignment.

Emotional Intelligence: EQ is the basis of making all of the above work. Success in leadership is directly correlated to emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is vital in the workplace. We bring the integration of organizational psychology, communication and business expertise to the table to help achieve high EQ levels of for clients.