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Organizational Development in Concert with Brand Readjustment

In CHAOS THEORY, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. A very small change in initial conditions had created a significantly different outcome.

Conditions are rapidly changing and will continue to change in ways we can foresee and in ways we can’t. It is essential that these changes and their effects on our business and our people be responded to—and managed—in real time. Integrated Change Management covers every facet of an organization and its people, process, ecosystem, brand and culture. It allows us to respond seamlessly to current demands and generates the awareness, skills and readiness necessary to align with future conditions. To deliver results, satisfaction and ROI.

Integration is the Key. Every facet of the organization, its Brand and its culture operate and communicate together. Changes must deal with all of them in concert. Every change can and will result in larger positive outcomes.

The integrated domains of Organization Development, Brand Creation / Readjustment and expert implementation complement each other—and implemented together—produce dramatic break-through results, customer satisfaction and ultimately increased revenue.

From Six Sigma to Emotional Intelligence, we focus on helping our clients achieve, communicate and execute the differentiation that will propel them to the next stage.

We’ve done this, worldwide. We work closely with our clients to create an organization that’s humming. All parts acting in concert. No one is acting in a Silo. All parts are interrelated. The people feel seen and heard. They are the brand.

Current State to Future State—Here’s what it looks like.

Let us help.

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Change is more than restructuring. The triggers and reasons, positive and otherwise, for organizational change vary widely in potential impact, form, scope, opportunity and immediacy. Leading and executing effective change requires an innovation mind-set coupled with a proven process that includes structure, systems, process, clarity, culture, leadership, Brand and communication. In order for change to truly last, we must implement, and solidly embed, the changes we make in the Culture and Brand. This is what Relevant/Shift brings to the table. We help our clients avoid the pitfalls and master the processes for accelerated change. Over the decades we’ve been doing this work we have fine-tuned a Process Toolkit and Roadmap to address and implement each step.


These are the processes and tools that the Relevant/Shift team brings to the change effort.


• Leading Innovation and Managing Change

Experience tells us that innovation starts with the ability to stay centered, flexible, creative and productive in the midst of intense activity and changing conditions. The development and employment of this ability is the key to achieving the competitive edge while deriving persona and professional satisfaction.

• Execution-Changing Processes, Culture, Systems & Structures

The key to accelerated change requires a framework for action and a toolkit to guide us along the way toward the desired state. From the “hard” processes like restructuring and business process change, to the people-centered processes of culture change, values, leadership development and emotional intelligence.


• Creating a Shared Need

Shared awareness and belief among key players that there is a logic for change, critical over time, and the need is greater than the resistance.


• Shaping a Vision

A clear statement about the elements and outcome of the change effort will be articulated in both emotional and structural ways.


• Mobilizing Stakeholder Commitment

Successful change requires teamwork; not only among those within the organization, but among all relevant stakeholder groups and key individuals. A coalition/network of relevant and committed individuals who understand the value of the goals, embrace the change effort and visibly support it.


• Execution Planning

The execution plan has a pre-defined scope and is solution-specific. The plan yields bounded, expected and improved results for existing processes, provides the action steps necessary to realize the new state and market strategy, and provides for rapid response to ongoing and unforeseen change.


• Making Change Last

Starting with participative, empowered leadership, we drive the change initiatives that are immediate, credible, integrated and lasting over time.


• Living the Brand

It is the employees who translate an organization's strategy into reality, interact with consumers and determine the corporate brand. Living the Brand demonstrates how a participatory approach can enhance employee commitment to deliver business goals.


• Monitoring Progress

The results of the change effort are tracked and shared widely internally, and with appropriate messages to stakeholders.